Tiger: So thoughts on The Tomorrow Children Alpha?
Rabbit: ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ The islands looked like Jello!
Tiger: Okay, other than that?
Rabbit: ( ゚▽゚)/ I want a jetpack!
Tiger: *rubs forehead* What about the gameplay?
Rabbit: /(=∵=)\ I loved the night vision goggles, they looked fantastic. I like the idea of having to always be in light as a puzzle element. If it’s dark out, you can shine your flashlight so others can still continue working. What about you?
Tiger: I like the train depot, that was a nice touch. You can use it to transport your resources to your town, all without having to carry each piece and place it on the train manually. I can already see some issues with it though.
Rabbit: Like how you won’t be able to make perfect lines or squares. Or your obsession with even numbers.
Tiger: ( ̄ェ ̄;) *silence*
Rabbit: ^giggles^ (。・`ω´・。) I really do think the game looks like it is partially made out of candy, cake, and Jello though. Makes me hungry just watching it.
Tiger: Why do you talk so much about food in these segments?
Rabbit: ^offended face^ What? What are you saying? I love food and it’s a good topic.
Tiger: I’m warning you now, if you keep going on about food when we play the game, I’m going to report you and have you arrested. o(-`д´- 。)
Rabbit: Hidoi yo! ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚
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