Tiger: We’ve adopted a bunch of different video game related peripherals.
Rabbit: We’ve already talked about the PS Move and PS Camera; we also got the EyeToy when it first came out.
Tiger: I actually used the EyeToy quite a lot since I played Eye of Judgment often.
Rabbit: I used to play EyeToy: AntiGrav. It was a terrible game even when you could get it to work.
Tiger: Remember those screensaver esque PSN games that utilized the EyeToy?
Rabbit: (*^▽^)/ You could do things like paint the screen with your hand or move blocks and what not.
Tiger: We would turn that on when we hosted parties, just so people could mess around with it.
Rabbit: We also had an EyePet.
Tiger: Do you remember Tamagotchi?
Rabbit: I loved mine!
Tiger: We actually had some knock off version that featured an alien, but it was okay.
Rabbit: You always let yours starve. I had my pet alien alive for so long and then I went to a birthday party and asked you to take care of it. Do you know what you did?!
Tiger: ╮(─▽─)╭ I forgot about it and let it starve.
Rabbit: My poor friend starved to death. 。:゜(;´∩`;)゜:。
Tiger: Speaking of Tamagotchi, I always wanted to pick up a PocketStation but we never did import one.
Rabbit: We weren’t big spenders let alone importers back in the PlayStation era. It still would have been pretty cool to get.
Tiger: There was also the PSX.
Rabbit: Oh man, was that thing expensive.
Tiger: ヘ(゜Д、゜)ノ We’ve also picked up some crazy controllers, like some weird off-brand one that split in two.
Rabbit: Do you remember the GameShark?
Tiger: Now that brings back memories. I think the most used video game peripherals we’ve owned are the guitar controllers.
Rabbit: We’ve had so many of those that we actually bought guitar stands for them. (。-_-。)
Tiger: Oh, remember having the multitap for our Tekken Tag Tournament parties?
Rabbit: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ Now those were the good ‘ole days.
Gaming peripherals, eh? I tend to skip most of 'em especially the fad ones, but I do have some still. The cheat devices you mentioned such as the GameShark for PS1 and the Game Genie for NES, SNES, and Game Boy are the ones I used. I never had a PocketStation during its time, but I have had one since about 2007 and have used it with a few games such as Pocket MuuMuu and mostly used it with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. No love for light guns? heh. I have a bevy of light gun games for Saturn, PS1, and PS2. The light guns themselves that I own are Sega Stunner (Saturn), Konami Justifier (PS1), Nyko Cobra (PS1/Saturn), Namco GunCon (PS1; two of 'em), and a GunCon 2 (PS2). Like you I used the PlayStation Eye for The Eye of Judgment and only for that game.