Rabbit: The theatre is so much better than the theater. o(>< )o
Tiger: I don’t know about that, there are a lot of perks at a movie theater versus a theater with a stage.
Rabbit: The Paramount had concessions just like at the movies, they had drinks and snacks.
Tiger: We don’t ever do that though.
Rabbit: ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ Broadway shows have merchandise booths! You don’t ever see that at a movie theater.
Tiger: I don’t think that’s a good thing. Yes, I bought the program/CD combo and you got a hoodie, but it’s not like that’s a game changer.
Rabbit: The Paramount is a storied theater with lots of history and great architectural details.
Tiger: (¬‿¬) Okay, that is true. The Paramount is an amazing building, I would love to just walk around the place when it’s empty but we’ve also been in there before during PAX. So it’s not as if you have to go to a show to see the theater.
Rabbit: You get to clap, a lot!
Tiger: I hate that about the theatre, absolutely hate it! (⋋▂⋌) Why must we clap after every freaking song? It is one big piece, it should be like the symphony, you don’t clap between movements. It’s foison of clapping!
Rabbit: It’s fun though; you get to feel like you are a part of the show.
Tiger: I don’t know; I’m not sure I want to go again.
Rabbit: I treated you to Mongolian Hot Pot afterwards! I know how much you love that place. ヽ(゜ロ゜;)ノ
Tiger: You love that place, I just tag along.
Rabbit: We went to Kinokuniya and got to look around.
Tiger: They were having a massive street fair in the International District.
Rabbit: It was packed, they had a few vendors inside Uwajimaya too, similar to an artists’ alley.
Tiger: I did enjoy spending time down there. I purchased a couple of Vocaloid CDs though I was really looking for Wagakki Band.
Rabbit: We also did some grocery shopping and bought a cool looking plate.
Tiger: A plate we will never use because it is cool looking.
Rabbit: I think next time we go we should see the Beauty and the Beast.
Tiger: I want to go see a hockey game in the fall or Rach 2, not another show.
Rabbit: Rach 2? If we go to the symphony again, it should be Pini di Roma.
Tiger: Yeah, I guess.
Rabbit: They are having A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder next year.
Tiger: Oh, we have to go see that one, that’s a great show. I still say we should go to a hockey game; the Everett Silvertips are just across the water.
Rabbit: You and your love of sports, I’m trying to get us to do something cultured here! (꒪⌓꒪)
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