Rabbit: I think I'm going to get Persona 5 on PS3 and PS4.
Tiger: Isn't that a waste of money getting the same game on two different platforms?
Rabbit: But I want to support Atlus.
Tiger: You should just get it for the PS4 then, I've made the switch. Especially now when a lot of the games are being developed for the current gen consoles first.
Rabbit: But there are games that you bought the PS3 and Vita versions, like Steins;Gate.
Tiger: That's different though, the Vita is portable so it makes sense to get a version for it. As for the PS3 copy of Steins;Gate, I mostly got that because the Vita limited edition was delayed and I didn't want to wait to play it.
Rabbit: Yet you still haven't played either version.
Tiger: *sighs* Yup.
Rabbit: I don't know, I really like playing games on my PS3 versus on the PS4.
Tiger: Maybe it's because you're just so familiar with the PS3. I know it took me a little time to get used to the PS4 and its operating system let alone the DS4.
Rabbit: The DS4 is so big! And the battery dies so quickly. I much prefer the DS3.
Tiger: I still think you get a better experience on the PS4 versus the PS3. Games generally look better, load faster, and just run smoother.
Rabbit: That's not always the case though. Dragon Age Inquisition didn't look that much better and Destiny didn't seem to load any faster than on PS3.
Tiger: Both of those games came out pretty early in the current gen cycle and I'm sure were being developed for both consoles simultaneously. Look at Call of Duty: Black Ops 3-
Rabbit: Really?
Tiger: Yes, really.
Rabbit:You're going to taint our blog with CoD Talk?
Tiger: Bear with me here.
Rabbit: I'm a rabbit.
Tiger: You know... Never mind, it's futile.
Rabbit: ^grins^
Tiger: The legacy versions of that game won't have a singleplayer campaign and a few other features that the current gen versions have.
Rabbit: That sucks if you're a fan of those games. I know people don't play CoD for the singleplayer but the campaigns are pretty good. Do you at least get a discount if you buy it on the PS3?
Tiger: You do, they're pricing it at $49.99 on PS3.
Rabbit: Wait, they're basically saying that the singleplayer campaign is only worth ten bucks?
Tiger: I know, it's kind of crazy. I feel bad for the people who worked on that campaign.
Rabbit: ^deep voice^ “We appreciate your hard work these past few years but feel that what you did is only worth $10 and we aren't even going to put it in every game!”
Tiger: That's harsh man, that's harsh. Do you think they'll ever do a multiplayer only CoD?
Rabbit: I could see that happening. I know a lot of people only play it for the MP. I wouldn't want games to get into that trend though but I guess we already have that with Destiny.
Tiger: Technically, you can solo Destiny but you do have to be online to play it.
Rabbit: That's another stupid thing about this generation, I hate having to play online when I'm not playing online!
Tiger: That doesn't bother me too much but I'm not as big of a social recluse as you are.
Rabbit: ^sticks out tongue^ Says the kitty who avoids ever leaving the house.
Tiger: I think we're getting off topic. While there are still a lot of great games out there for the legacy consoles, when it comes to the new releases, I think it's time to start focusing on current gen.
Rabbit: I still play my PS3 a lot though. There are so many good games I have in my backlog that need my attention. And while I enjoy my PS4, I just don't feel like there are enough high quality games to take over as my ichiban console.
Tiger: Heck, we still have our PS2s and PS1s plugged in.
Rabbit: Exactly. It took me a long time to switch from PS2 to PS3 and I think it will take even longer for me to make the jump to playing games solely on PS4. While the PS3 had a lot of issues, for me, it's still one of my favorite consoles and I'm not ready to box it up just yet.
Tiger: It's not time to say goodbye to our legacy consoles yet?
Rabbit: Definitely not. I believe the PS3 and other legacy consoles have so much to offer. There are still good games being made for both generations so everyone can enjoy the experience. I couldn't imagine unplugging my PS2 let alone not playing my PS3 anymore. I enjoy my time with the PS4 but right now, there just aren't enough games that I like for the system. I feel as if a lot of the games are good but not great on the PS4 and while it has a lot of games, many are DL games that don't have the robust story or quality I'm looking for. I'm just not ready to completely make the switch to the PS4 so I'll continue buying games for PS3.
Tiger: I disagree with you. If you have the choice between getting a game on PS4 and PS3, you should get it for the PS4. You just get a better experience nowadays on the PS4. The graphics are gorgeous and games run better on the system. Plus, I actually enjoy a lot of the extra features such as sharing and the ease of streaming on the PS4. I do agree that this current gen's offering of games is on the sparse side but that will get better with time. I still play my PS3 and I'm not going to unplug it but I won't be buying any more games for it if they're out on PS4 as well. If you have the new tech, you might as well use it.
Rabbit: You and your newfandangle gizmos.
Tiger: You are so slow to adopt new technology. I remember you were still buying VHS tapes when we had a DVD player. I could not comprehend why you'd do that!
Rabbit: I love my VHS player! I still have it and it's plugged in!